July 30, 2015

We Interrupt this Blog. . .

I have lots of adventures to share about our time in Homer.  Not only did we love the town, but we had two of the most amazing day trips ever.  Just a sneak peek – we flew to Lake Clark National Park and later to Katmai National Park to watch the bears at Brooks Falls – trips of a lifetime!

However, it may be a week or more before I can put these posts together.  At the moment I’m trying to deal with the death of one of my dearest friends.  Yes, the friend that I wrote about earlier passed away this morning, just a few days shy of her sixtieth birthday.  She was only ill for a few weeks, and the news this morning was devastating.  It is still a shock.

In the meantime, I am scheduled to fly to Portland, Oregon, tomorrow to attend the wedding of another very close friend.  Such a joyous occasion coupled with such a tragic one.  My emotions are sure to be on a roller coaster.

I promise that I will update the blog when I return to Alaska, and that the photographs will be worth waiting for.  Tim will be leaving for Oklahoma as soon as I return (he has an eight-day contract at Chickasaw National Recreation Area), so I will have time for reflection then.  Writing blog posts will be good therapy.

Thank you for your patience.


  1. Condolences on the loss of your friend. A loss of this nature is always hard to bear ... more so when it happens suddenly. Sadness and happiness ... the two faces of life ... the latter helps us cope with former.

    1. Thank you Erin. You are so right about sadness and happiness. I felt a bit guilty for feeling happy at the wedding, but it certainly was a great way to cope with such unbelievable sadness.

  2. So sorry to hear about your friends passing. Enjoy your time Portland at the wedding. Life sure does play with our emotions:)

    1. Thank you so much for your thoughts. Life can be so cruel on one hand, and so glorious on the other. We can only hope that they even one another out.

  3. I'm so sorry about your friend.


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