After an
intense, but rewarding, two-week work session at Denali National Park, Tim and
I packed up and headed towards Fairbanks to restock for our trip south. Yes, we have begun our journey back to the
Lower 48 and will cross into Canada today on the Alaska Highway.
I still have
several posts to finish about our time in Denali, including my two trips into the
park. Reviewing all those photographs
and selecting a few favorites takes time!
I’m not sure when I’ll get those posted since we will have to rely on WiFi
in Canada. I won’t leave you in total
suspense, however, and will give you a spoiler alert. I did see the mountain on a gorgeous blue-sky
I’ll try
to post when I can during our two-week trip to Fort Union Trading Post National
Historic Site in North Dakota. We likely
won’t cross back into the United States until the day before we arrive in Fort
Union ,
currently scheduled for September 21. Stay